I know something about you, even though I don’t know you.
You have experienced pain, grief, and loss in your life.
You know what it feels like to deal with emotional pain. With heartache.
If you haven’t, give it time. You will.
We have all walked through the valleys of life…
… and we have all experienced the mountaintop views of life. And I believe it is in the dark times that, if we allow ourselves to be real with God, to not wear rose-colored glasses and truly let Him walk with us, that we will be able to grow in our understanding of the purpose of our pain.
We start asking different questions of God. Not necessarily “Why?” but “What?”
“What would you have me learn from this experience?”
“What are you trying to teach me?”
“Lord, it doesn’t feel good, but what am I supposed to do now?”
I believe that God wants to be in close proximity with us through all our experiences.
Working together in session, I believe healing can come from asking tough questions about the relationship you have with Christ.
But let me be clear here… I do not force my Christian views on any client. I will only walk this spiritual path with you if YOU desire to.
For me, our therapeutic relationship is to be built on trust, dignity, and respect. And you need to feel secure with us NOT pursuing spiritual discussions if you do not want to. It’s okay. Really.
Relationships are valuable.
To me, that’s what gives life meaning. How we treat others. How we treat ourselves.
What have you learned from past painful decisions that have affected your relationships with others? With yourself?
I encourage you to consider your relationship with God. How does He view you? How much does He value you? What type of relationship does He want with you? What does He want for you on the other side of your eating disorder? What if your eating disorder (or any other form of addictive, disruptive behavior) is to serve a greater purpose in your life and possibly in the lives of others?
When we can give meaning to suffering, it ceases to be suffering.
We begin to develop a sense of something greater at work inside.
Perhaps, just perhaps we find purpose in the pain of our growth. We begin to see the role of our eating disorder shifting into that of teacher.
What is God trying to teach me with this eating disorder? And how might I be able to help others through something similar?
That’s what relationship means. It’s how we connect with others in our life. It’s how we connect with God. How we connect with our authentic self.
I am not a Christian Counselor, per se. I am not trained in theology from a Christian university. But I am a student of the Bible and learned that with faith, all the bumps and bends in this road of life can be traveled safely, knowing God is walking right beside me.
And He is walking beside you as well.
if you want to dig deeper spiritually…
… I am more than willing to go there with you.
If this is something that speaks to you, we will explore these kinds of questions together in session.
I am not going to force my spiritual values on you during our time together; however, if you’re ready and want to learn more, call me. Let’s talk about it: (713) 269-3972.